Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Lumian Systems Limited, trading as ROCI21.love, is company number 06396332 registered in the United Kingdom.

Lumian Systems / ROCI21 is registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, reference ZB025730.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. Our privacy policy complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 (Act), incorporating the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To view the full Privacy Notice please click here.

Payment Terms

Please pay invoices in full before 1-2-1 sessions. Sessions may be refused if the invoice is unpaid.

Cancellation Policy

Sessions can be cancelled or rescheduled up to 24 hours before the session time.

Cancellations within 24 hours of the scheduled time or no-shows may be charged up to 100% of the session fee. Sessions that can be rescheduled within 7 days will not be subject to a fee. No fee will be charged in situations of genuine force majeure.

Refund Policy


All online courses are backed by a 100% Your Truth – or 100% Your Money Back 14-day guarantee. I will refund 100% of the purchase price within 14 days of the purchase date. No questions.

1-2-1 sessions cancelled prior to 24 hours ahead of the session time will be refunded in full minus any PayPal/bank charges. Sessions cancelled within 24 hours of the session time will be refunded at the discretion of Lumian Systems Ltd.

This site is dedicated to bringing the unconscious to light.

To recognise, uncover and access unconscious issues—the traumas, addictions, and phobias that blight our lives—is a difficult and demanding process.

Should you succeed, your life will change.

During adolescence we develop coping mechanisms to deal with our unconscious issues. When we clear an issue, the related coping mechanisms inevitably collapse. This can result in significant life changes—loss of friendships and relationships, major job changes, financial hardship, accidents, and illnesses.

Taking responsibility for these changes is the only way to get from the passenger seat of victimhood to the driving seat of your own life.

All 1-2-1 sessions and materials on www.roci21.love are provided at your discretion. Please use your discernment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or practice suggested or recommended through verbal or written communication. You agree that Lumian Systems Ltd (ROCI21.love) has no legal, financial, or other liability for any events or situations that arise subsequent to accessing this information.

Buying courses or payment of invoices constitutes acceptance of these terms.

Thank you.
