New Earth tools #3 – Neutrality
- February 18, 2022
- Posted by: Michael Hallett
- Category: New Earth tools

In the first part of this series I described how breathing is the safety blanket of the inherently unstable evolutionary process. The second part covered intent, the rocket fuel of conscious evolution. But where is this rocket going? Neutrality is the compass that guides your journey to the New Earth.
In John 16:33, Jesus tells us: “I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer.” We suffer because, by default, we lack neutrality.
Our unconscious programming perceives everything in our experience as good or bad, clean or dirty, desirable or undesirable. What this programming shows is that polarised thinking is divisive, competitive ‘either-or’ thinking.
By comparison, neutral thinking is inclusive, collaborative ‘and’ thinking. Neutrality, or non-judgment, is achieved through removing the polarised ‘spin’ of good or bad from any event, belief or behaviour.
Jesus tells us that we’re completely blind to our lack of neutrality in Luke 6:41: “You can see the speck in your friend’s eye. But you don’t notice the log in your own eye.”
To increase neutrality, you need to recognise when you are acting or reacting from a place of judgment. This is initially hard to do but, like anything, improves with practice. The key is self-observation.
Like attracts like
When you consciously and consistently apply non-judgment to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, you change your point of resonance according to the universal rule of ‘like attracts like’—the so-called Law of Attraction.
Is the Law of Attraction for real? Test it. Once you consistently practise intentional neutrality, you’ll definitely notice how difficult people and situations that once plagued your life stop showing up.
Neutrality disconnects you from your default, polarised mind-set. Instead, you gradually plug into a different mind-set based on unity, co-operation, self-responsibility and mutual respect.
Neutrality disconnects you from your default, polarised mind-set. This mind-set has been the human psychological baseline for around 6,000 years. Instead, you gradually plug into a different mind-set based on unity, co-operation, self-responsibility and mutual respect.
I use the word ‘plug’ advisedly. ‘Tap’ is perhaps better. When you plug a socket into an electrical circuit, it is either on or off. That’s how polarity works: on or off. Evolution—for the most part—isn’t like that. It’s gradual. Initial experiences of unity consciousness tend to be occasional, intermittent and frustrating.
As you develop neutrality, you develop detachment. As a result, stuff that used to bother you just doesn’t any more. Detachment is an important practice in Buddhism. It doesn’t mean renouncing wealth or pleasure, it means renouncing judgment.
Buddha illustrated this concept with the parable of the burning house. The polarised world of conflicting (good/bad) beliefs and behaviours is the burning house. You can stay inside and blame others or become neutral and get out.
Jesus uses the word ‘unclean’ to denote the same polarised, judgmental behaviour: “’The food that you put into your mouth doesn’t make you unclean and unfit to worship God. The bad words that come out of your mouth are what make you unclean…’ Then Jesus said: ‘What comes from your heart is what makes you unclean.’” (Mark 7:15-16, 20)
As detachment develops, you start to wonder whether you have lost all sense of empathy. ‘Care but don’t carry’ is the catchphrase here.
Yes, you do care. You care enough to stand back and let others choose to stay in the burning house. You realise that the world is nothing but opportunities for people to accept or reject neutrality.
You’ve made your choice. Neutrality is your magnetic north. Follow it.
Photo: Mindfullness Meditation Woman Happy Space by Home thods on Flickr